Monday, April 14, 2014


Dedicating this song to my husband of 37 years.
Life has been good to us. Sometimes things get busy and we fail 
To see the beauty all around us but some time spent enjoying quiet nature helps. Oh sweet rest and relaxation , mountains and streams. I love it and I love you.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

seeing mom in my reflection

I looked in the mirror today and saw my Mother, not literally yet I know that she is also seen in my features. I wish she and I lived closer but reunions are great. I always have her in my heart . I hope that her beautiful heart and love for God and family also shines through mine. It might sound a little mushy but I don't care. Life is too short .

This is her beautiful face and smile. I love you Mom!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good morning sunshine :)

It's a bitter cold winter day but the sun is shining bright and I have my sweet grand daughter here for a few days. It makes it feel all warm and happy!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Sometimes I feel like winter is going to last forever but it is actually only 58 days before Spring is officially here. So cheers to a hot cup of Dunkin Donuts Coffee with some yummy Coldstone Creamery coffee creamer . Soon my winter walks will be Spring but until then I just gotta keep moving.

Have a great week !

Yeah I love her :-)

Personality of the Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are friendly, curious and extremely playful. They love to socialize with people, as well as with other dogs. These dogs can be outgoing but extremely gentle, making them a good choice with children. They have been described as puppies at heart, never seeming to lose their energy or zest for life. These dogs tend to be very intelligent, which also makes them clever and willful on occasion. They love to spend time playing with their owners, taking a jog, or accompanying them on hikes through the woods or mountains. They are happiest when they are with their families, or at least with other dogs in the backyard. All of these characteristics add up to a great family pet, as long as you are prepared to handle some of the challenges that Siberian Huskies can present.
Personality And Training

Because a Siberian Husky tends to be very playful and energetic, plenty of social time is required to keep this breed from getting bored. If your dog gets bored or lonely, it can become destructive of its environment. The best way to prevent this problem is by incorporating your dog into your family unit and keeping it with you as much as possible. If you are going to keep your husky outside much of the time, a second dog will be good company and a consistent playmate.

Friday, January 17, 2014

A Dog's soul

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Dogs Soul

    Every dog must have a soul, somewhere deep inside
    Where all his hurts and grievances are buried with his pride.

    Where he decides the good and bad, the wrong way from the right,
    And where his judgement carefully is hidden from our sight.

    A dog must have a secret place, where every thought abides,
    A sort of close acquaintance that he trusts in and confides.

    And when accused unjustly for himself, He cannot speak,
    Rebuked, He finds within his soul, the comfort he must seek.

    He'll love, though he is unloved, and he'll serve though badly used,
    And one kind word will wipe away the times when he's abused.

    Although his heart may break in two, his love will still be whole,
    Because God gave to every dog an understanding Soul!


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Somewhere in Time

I just got back from a walk with my beloved husky Nanook. I am more like Eeyore when it comes to cold damp winter days. it's just not that much fun to me to be out.  Nanook however has her beautiful husky tail curled up like a sled dog and her pace faster than normal. She loves the winter! Sometimes I like it OK. I like it when the snow softly falls in huge white flakes and cover the branches of the trees making it look like a wonder land. My favorite season is Spring though. Late in February those little green daffodil leafs start poking through the cold earth and usually by at least the last part of March there are bright yellow flowers. They come like kisses of sunshine and hope promising the best is yet to come. Soon the song of the spring birds will be heard , flowers will blossom, trees will bud. Somewhere in time Spring is waiting for me.

The picture is a mix of some photo I found from the movie Somewhere in Time and me at the Break Wall in Marquette, MI in the Spring time. Soon I shall return.

Cheer up all sad winter hearts and embrace the good things. Perhaps a cup of hot chocolate and some good reading would be nice, if that doesn't work a long winter's nap is good. Wake me up in Spring!

Song of Solomon 2:11,12
See! The winter is past;the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
Somewhere in Time!