Thursday, January 16, 2014

Somewhere in Time

I just got back from a walk with my beloved husky Nanook. I am more like Eeyore when it comes to cold damp winter days. it's just not that much fun to me to be out.  Nanook however has her beautiful husky tail curled up like a sled dog and her pace faster than normal. She loves the winter! Sometimes I like it OK. I like it when the snow softly falls in huge white flakes and cover the branches of the trees making it look like a wonder land. My favorite season is Spring though. Late in February those little green daffodil leafs start poking through the cold earth and usually by at least the last part of March there are bright yellow flowers. They come like kisses of sunshine and hope promising the best is yet to come. Soon the song of the spring birds will be heard , flowers will blossom, trees will bud. Somewhere in time Spring is waiting for me.

The picture is a mix of some photo I found from the movie Somewhere in Time and me at the Break Wall in Marquette, MI in the Spring time. Soon I shall return.

Cheer up all sad winter hearts and embrace the good things. Perhaps a cup of hot chocolate and some good reading would be nice, if that doesn't work a long winter's nap is good. Wake me up in Spring!

Song of Solomon 2:11,12
See! The winter is past;the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
Somewhere in Time!

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