Friday, October 25, 2013

In My Life

Selah is one of my favorite groups for when I need songs of comfort and strength . There is a Beatle's song "If We Never Meet Again" but the Selah  has version adds a comforting promise of hope. We shall meet again. I'm not perfect and yet I know that Some One loves me with a perfect unconditional Love and in the times the journey of life takes me along some rough and twisting turns there is a light that guides me. Sometimes the very hurt that is hard to understand or bear is the blessing in disguise to turn my heart towards home where I am truly loved.

Recently I had a friend tell me to be strong but I believe that oftentimes the tears are part of a healing process.
Listen..I dedicate this song to the ones in my life who have inspired me in so many ways. Some have passed away and some are yet living


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dogs and Blogs

I'm discovering in my mid life the joys that having animals around brings. This little guy above actually belongs to my son Justin. I have had  2 New Foundland dogs here for about a half a year but they finally went home after my son got his pet friendly place. First the female dog went and a few days ago this beauty above. I have gotten so attached to him grooming him and walking him and even trying to cheer him up after the first dog left. ah but now he is reunited with his beloved Penelope the girl New Foundland. I have reports he is a happy camper.
This is my husky dog and my favorite goofy photograph of her.
It's been so long since I have regularly blogged. first there was Yahoo 360 that ended, then Multiply that ended. I decided to try this Google Blogger. *sigh* It's not the same. I don't come here so often.

Maybe I will start again. Perhaps a dog blog. I love dogs. They love unconditionally , at least the ones I have known through life. They don't have the people words to try and cheer you up or correct you but they have these loving eyes and they seem to just know when something is getting you down. Oh don't worry , I am not anti social or anti people. I'm just feeling thankful for my four legged friend.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

On Top Of The World on a Blue Sky Day

There are times in life when it feels as if I am on a roller coaster  ride holding on with all my might through the ups and downs of come what may. I remember actual roller coasters and how my children finally convinced me to get on. I'd go sometimes to humor them but I never really enjoyed the large wooden roller coasters were I felt more beat up than anything else I'd get off and head for the drinks and slowly sip on a Gatorade hoping it would ease my head ache and nausea. I don't do roller coasters anymore but everyday living holds it's own twists, turns and surprises.. I've managed to hold on through the worst of them but without going into detail all I can say is that I am in a place of healing.

Saturday was marvelous! It was a perfect 74 degrees and my husband and I took an afternoon drive.
I thank God he has been there through the years and when I feel unsteady he holds me . I think of the song  "You Raise Me Up."

Saturday we drove to a beautiful overlook over the river. It was a blue sky day.
We also hiked on trails and enjoyed the sandstone cliffs and the awe of these formations which made me feel very small.
I never fail to be in wonder of nature. The best place to be when life's stresses and messes tend to bog me down is outside where I can look up at the sky with the sometimes billowy white clouds and look around at the beauty that surrounds me in creation and take time to notice the simple yet intricate  things like a butterfly and feel blessed to be a part of such a wonderful world.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Caleb

Happy birthday to my grandson Caleb who is 8 years old today. He loves horses and is even learning how to ride on them!
He has big blue eyes that melt my heart!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy Labor Day

                                                      Grandson :-)

Happy Labor Day to all my Family and Friends !

~ Edgar Guest
When you're up against a trouble,
Meet it squarely, face to face,
Lift your chin, and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace,
When it's vain to try to dodge it,
Do the best that you can do.
You may fail, but you may conquer--
See it through!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


For These We Thank Thee

Sunrise and sunset,
Ocean and rivulet,
Wild beast and family pet...
  For these we thank Thee.

Parent and little child.
Inchworm and country mile.
Tear drop and friendly smile...
For these we thank Thee.

New bud and fading flower,
Small trees and trees that tower.
Downpour and little shower...
For these we thank Thee.

Blessings and trials too,
Dark skies and skies of blue,
For Your love to see us through...
Father we thank Thee.

Loise Pinkerton Fritz

Have a beautiful day!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Sunshine Smiles

Since this is the beginning of something new to me I'd like very much to begin on a positive note. Today I made the decision it was time to renew a gym membership I allowed to lapse for a couple of months. I do believe I'll be feeling it soon!

It's been an incredible but busy summer but I refuse to say I long for Autumn days because each season seems to pass by quickly.

Speaking of little glimpses of sunshine here are a couple of my grandchildren. Times can be tiring for sure but the laughter and silly fun lives on in memories as well as photos.
This is my dog Nanook. You will probably hear a lot about her. She's a big part of my days and helps keep me out walking! She prefers the cooler weather but is fine with early morning or late afternoon walks in the summer. It's been hot lately!
A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.
Max Muller
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.
James M. Barrie
Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
Anthony J. D'Angelo
The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity.
Walt Whitman
Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows.
Robert Green Ingersoll

Keep shining!