Thursday, January 16, 2014

Coffee and a Chat

I've been spending some time away from the internet world of connecting in chat and concentrating on other things which really aren't "things" at all. I'm not against online friends and I do relish the thought of being able to share and glean from people in places far and near but there are times that come along that remind me it is also good to take a break sometimes. Within these times I refocus on the simple but beautiful world around me in different ways. I am challenged to reach outside of myself and to make a difference in a positive way with my family and friends . I've recently had an amazing home cooked Chinese, Philippine  style lunch with a new friend that I met shopping in a second hand treasures type place. Oh I know it takes trust with wisdom but part of the charm of living in a small community is although it's not like The Andy Griffith show and the town of Mayberry it is pretty nice here and safer than a lot of cities. Besides all that I really do believe she or I or the fact that we began talking was a God send. She is a recent widow moved here from New Mexico where my daughter's fiance is from. We had a conversation piece to begin at just with that fact. She told me of some of the places I should visit when I get the chance to travel to NM The Land of Enchantment. She like I was interested in getting together with other ladies in an informal setting for Bible Study or simply the social aspect many women crave in connecting with others . I haven't been close to anyone in a long while. The friends I had moved away and it's hard long distance and then I went through some personal situations that left me depressed for some time. I am on the healing side now. I'm not where I want to be but on my way with the spark of hope and trust I need that all is well. I have been painting my kitchen cabinates which has long been on hold. they are looking great all bright and white.

Back to the lunch as I said, it was amazing! Her home looked so pretty , she had a gift in decorating and she definitely has the gift of hospitality.  She is a beautiful little Philippine lady close to my age.  There was another lady there also so now I have two friends. I found us three to have so much in common and yet so much we can be enriched by in our friendship. My friend L has traveled to a lot of places I can only dream of going I enjoyed seeing her post cards and pictures and things she had gotten from these places.

I am richer than I was a couple weeks ago not in money but because of a new door of friendship that God provided. He knows what I have need of and for that I am thankful.

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