Monday, January 13, 2014

I love home

The big white dog is a Great Pyrenees. He belongs to one of my married sons. I baby sat him for a few days last week. He is a big baby.
I like the photo because it speaks of comfort to me. The young man on the recliner is my youngest son. Home is a place where one can relax. I have a peaceful home and I love it. There are a lot of fancier places than mine with more room and expensive furniture and there is really nothing wrong with having more' it just doesn't happen to be on my priority list. I am content.
Did I mention that I love home?

My youngest son and his niece. This cute little red head is my youngest grand daughter.

  "The Home I Love"

Some homes are quiet, polished, neat
But one I know is far more sweet
Where tiny smudges on the wall
Tell of fingers dear and small.
Where toys are sometimes strewn about
And doors are banging in and out.
Where little children play and sing,
And laughter's often heard to ring...
The home I love is filled with noise
Of happy little girls and boys!
- Kay Hoffman

                                          Me and all the grand children

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